"The classes were so much fun! Clear instruction from amazing teachers, combined with a relaxed and fun atmosphere." (D.M.)
"The three weeks were sooooo much fun! Loved the lessons.
You guys make them GREAT!" (M.W. Nov 2019)
Last night was excellent! (J.M. Jan 2025) referring to Waltz class+
Sunday Evening Classes: 7 - 8:30
$5 - $10 sliding scale, Venmo or cash, pay on-site
in Mt. Airy, Phila, no partner necessary.
March 2nd, March 9th, April 13th
Let's Waltz! Gain confidence in leading, following, or dancing both roles, and learn a variety of fun flourishes. We'll include a taste of other styles, such as Blues, Polkas, Schottische, Swing, Tango
.Zwiefacher Event
April 6th
The Mother Zwiefacher Orchestra (MZO) will play their 2025 NEFFA program of about a dozen zwiefachers: Some easy, some challenging, with patterns displayed and prompted.
We'll include a Waltz and Schottische
Summit Presbyterian Church, 6757 Greene St,19119
enter on Westview Street
Sign-up form, email or text/call 215-460-4397
(It's helpful to know if you plan to attend)